Thursday 29 September 2011

what is boudoir?

Bou-doir :: a woman's bedroom or private sitting room

Boudoir has become {in recent years} a very popular style of photography.  While there used to exist strong negative connotations associated with the style, the 21st Century has allowed for a profound embracing of one's sexuality. 

Tasteful compositions in this intimate style, are not only beautiful, they are powerful {& empowering}.

While there exists a sense of voyeurism in boudoir images, there also exists an unspoken understanding that we have been invited in. Invited into 'her' space, because she is comfortable, confident, and approving of her own body.

Bridal Boudoir is a trend that has gained intense momentum, where bride's are choosing to gift their soon-to-be-husband's with these intimate images {which I assure you he enjoys}. They make wonderful anniversary presents,  birthday presents, or Valentine's Day gifts. 

OR sometimes, they make the perfect gift for yourself!  

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Ashli | Bridal Session

Meet the beautiful {inside & out} Ashli.

She was the perfect model and a pleasure to shoot.

We had a blast capturing two very different 'looks', doing both a Bridal and a Boudoir session all in one day! For half the day, she was a blissful, sweet, romantic {almost ethereal} Bride. After a brief intermission {a girl's got to eat her lunch} she switched almost immediately into a sexy, edgy (hands down fierce} Boudoir model!

Stay tuned for her Boudoir session, but in the meantime, here she is bringing out the dress for one last run in her simply beautiful Bridal shoot!


Monday 12 September 2011

steve, jenn & grayson | family

Meet the Rectors: Steve, Jenn and their adorable little one, Grayson. 

I was given the pleasure to capture this wonderful little family and partake in Grayson's first ever experience with ice cream! At first he was pretty unsure what to make of it, but once he got a bite of Mom & Dad's cone he was all over it {or rather, vice versa}
"Why am I stuck with this measly little baby cone?" is likely the main thought going through his mind.

Once the sheer excitement wore off, Grayson became far more taken with his surroundings and I had a blast trying to keep up with him {A feat I'm sure the lovely Jenn and Steve are very familiar with}

I had a wonderful time with you guys and hope that I was able to capture just a little bit of what makes your family so special and that you will be able to treasure these pictures for many years to come.
